British Indian Ocean Territory travel guide

British Indian Ocean TerritoryBritish Indian Ocean Territory


British Indian Ocean Territory is located in Sub-Saharan Africa part of Asia.
The British Indian Ocean Territory (BIOT) is an Overseas Territory of the United Kingdom situated in the Indian Ocean, halfway between Tanzania and Indonesia. The territory comprises the seven atolls of the Chagos Archipelago with over 1,000 individual islands – many very small – amounting to a total land area of 60 square kilometres (23 square miles). The largest and most southerly island is Diego Garcia, 27 square kilometres (10 square miles), the site of a Joint Military Facility of the United Kingdom and the United States.The only inhabitants are British and United States military personnel, and associated contractors, who collectively number around 3,000 (2018 figures). The forced removal of Chagossians from the Chagos Archipelago occurred between 1968 and 1973. The Chagossians, then numbering about 2,000 people, were expelled by the UK government to Mauritius and Seychelles in order to construct the military base. Today, the exiled Chagossians are still trying to return, saying that the forced expulsion and dispossession was unlawful, but the UK government has repeatedly denied them the right of return. The islands are off-limits to Chagossians, casual tourists, and the media.

Since the 1980s, the Government of Mauritius has sought to regain control over the Chagos Archipelago, which was separated from the then Crown Colony of Mauritius by the UK in 1965 to form the British Indian Ocean Territory. A February 2019 advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice called for the islands to be given to Mauritius. Since this, the United Nations General Assembly and the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea have reached similar decisions. On 3 November 2022, it was announced that the UK and Mauritius had decided to begin negotiations on sovereignty over the British Indian Ocean Territory, taking into account the international legal proceedings.

🏷️ Tags

We have tagged British Indian Ocean Territory with these tags:

💬 Languages

English is the official language.

💵 Currencies

The official currency is United States dollar [1 USD = 1 USD].

🏧 Cash / Credit card usage

We don't have any data for credit card usage in British Indian Ocean Territory.

🧑‍🤝‍🧑 Tourism

We don't have any tourism data for British Indian Ocean Territory.

📱 Bandwidth

We don't have any bandwidth data for British Indian Ocean Territory.

☀️ Climate

Averag yearly temperature is 🔥 27 °C and very hot. Current 3 months (February, March and April) average is 🔥 28 °C and very hot. Current season (winter) is 🔥 28 °C and very hot.
Yearly average27 °C 🔥
3 month average28 °C 🔥
Spring average28 °C 🔥
Summer average27 °C 🔥
Fall average27 °C 🔥
Winter average28 °C 🔥
About seasons: Remember that seasons in Southern Hemisphere are opposite of the Northern one. This means that in Argentina and Australia, winter begins in June. Currently season averages are rendered according Northern Hemisphere.

📈 Economics

We have no financial data.

The data contained in this page is provided for informational purposes only, and should not be construed as legal advice on any subject matter. We gather our data from open resources and may contain outdated information. Make sure to verify these data from official resources of the respective country.