Christmas Island travel guide

Christmas IslandChristmas Island


Christmas Island is located in Australia and New Zealand part of Asia.
Christmas Island, officially the Territory of Christmas Island, is an Australian external territory comprising the island of the same name. It is located in the Indian Ocean, around 350 kilometres (190 nautical miles) south of Java and Sumatra and around 1,550 km (840 nmi) northwest of the closest point on the Australian mainland. It lies 2,600 km (1,400 nmi) northwest of Perth and 1,327 km (717 nmi) south of Singapore. It has an area of 135 square kilometres (52 sq mi).

Christmas Island had a population of 1,692 residents as of 2021, the majority living in settlements on the northern edge of the island. The main settlement is Flying Fish Cove. Historically, Asian Australians of Chinese, Malay, and Indian descent formed the majority of the population. Today, around two-thirds of the island's population is estimated to have Straits Chinese origin (though just 22.2% of the population declared a Chinese ancestry in 2021), with significant numbers of Malays and European Australians and smaller numbers of Straits Indians and Eurasians. Several languages are in use, including English, Malay, and various Chinese dialects. Islam and Buddhism are major religions on the island. The religion question in the Australian census is optional and 28% of the population do not declare their religious belief, if any.The first European to sight Christmas Island was Richard Rowe of the Thomas in 1615. Captain William Mynors named it on Christmas Day (25 December) 1643. It was first settled in the late 19th century. Christmas Island's geographic isolation and history of minimal human disturbance has led to a high level of endemism among its flora and fauna, which is of interest to scientists and naturalists. The majority (63 percent) of the island is included in the Christmas Island National Park, which features several areas of primary monsoonal forest. Phosphate, deposited originally as guano, has been mined on the island since 1899.

🏷️ Tags

We have tagged Christmas Island with these tags:

💬 Languages

English is the official language.

💵 Currencies

The official currency is Australian dollar [1 USD = 1.53 AUD].

🏧 Cash / Credit card usage

We don't have any data for credit card usage in Christmas Island.

🧑‍🤝‍🧑 Tourism

We don't have any tourism data for Christmas Island.

📱 Bandwidth

We don't have any bandwidth data for Christmas Island.

☀️ Climate

Averag yearly temperature is 🔥 26 °C and very hot. Current 3 months (February, March and April) average is 🔥 26 °C and very hot. Current season (winter) is 🔥 26 °C and very hot.
Yearly average26 °C 🔥
3 month average26 °C 🔥
Spring average26 °C 🔥
Summer average25 °C ☀️
Fall average26 °C 🔥
Winter average26 °C 🔥
About seasons: Remember that seasons in Southern Hemisphere are opposite of the Northern one. This means that in Argentina and Australia, winter begins in June. Currently season averages are rendered according Northern Hemisphere.

📈 Economics

We have no financial data.

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