Cocos [Keeling] Islands travel guide

Cocos [Keeling] IslandsCocos [Keeling] Islands


Cocos [Keeling] Islands is located in Australia and New Zealand part of Asia.
The Cocos (Keeling) Islands (Cocos Islands Malay: Pulu Kokos [Keeling]), officially the Territory of Cocos (Keeling) Islands (; Cocos Islands Malay: Pulu Kokos [Keeling]), are an Australian external territory in the Indian Ocean, comprising a small archipelago approximately midway between Australia and Sri Lanka and relatively close to the Indonesian island of Sumatra. The territory's dual name (official since the islands' incorporation into Australia in 1955) reflects that the islands have historically been known as either the Cocos Islands or the Keeling Islands.

The territory consists of two atolls made up of 27 coral islands, of which only two – West Island and Home Island – are inhabited. The population of around 600 people consists mainly of Cocos Malays, who mostly practice Sunni Islam and speak a dialect of Malay as their first language. The territory is administered by the Australian federal government's Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications as an Australian external territory and together with Christmas Island (which is about 960 kilometres (600 mi) to the east) forms the Australian Indian Ocean Territories administrative grouping. However, the islanders do have a degree of self-government through the local shire council. Many public services – including health, education, and policing – are provided by the state of Western Australia, and Western Australian law applies except where the federal government has determined otherwise. The territory also uses Western Australian postcodes.

The islands were discovered in 1609 by the British sea captain William Keeling, but no settlement occurred until the early 19th century. One of the first settlers was John Clunies-Ross, a Scottish merchant; much of the island's current population is descended from the Malay workers he brought in to work his copra plantation. The Clunies-Ross family ruled the islands as a private fiefdom for almost 150 years, with the head of the family usually recognised as resident magistrate. The British annexed the islands in 1857, and for the next century they were administered from either Ceylon or Singapore. The territory was transferred to Australia in 1955, although until 1979 virtually all of the territory's real estate still belonged to the Clunies-Ross family.

🏷️ Tags

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💬 Languages

English is the official language.

💵 Currencies

The official currency is Australian dollar [1 USD = 1.53 AUD].

🏧 Cash / Credit card usage

We don't have any data for credit card usage in Cocos [Keeling] Islands.

🧑‍🤝‍🧑 Tourism

We don't have any tourism data for Cocos [Keeling] Islands.

📱 Bandwidth

We don't have any bandwidth data for Cocos [Keeling] Islands.

☀️ Climate

Averag yearly temperature is 🔥 26 °C and very hot. Current 3 months (March, April and May) average is 🔥 27 °C and very hot. Current season (spring) is 🔥 27 °C and very hot.
Yearly average26 °C 🔥
3 month average27 °C 🔥
Spring average27 °C 🔥
Summer average26 °C 🔥
Fall average26 °C 🔥
Winter average27 °C 🔥
About seasons: Remember that seasons in Southern Hemisphere are opposite of the Northern one. This means that in Argentina and Australia, winter begins in June. Currently season averages are rendered according Northern Hemisphere.

📈 Economics

We have no financial data.

The data contained in this page is provided for informational purposes only, and should not be construed as legal advice on any subject matter. We gather our data from open resources and may contain outdated information. Make sure to verify these data from official resources of the respective country.