Saint Lucia travel guide

Saint LuciaSaint Lucia


Saint Lucia is located in Latin America and the Caribbean part of North America. It's total area is 610 km² and 34% of it is forest area. As of 2023 it has a total population of 179K. 19.2% lives in cities whereas 80.8% lives in rural areas.
Saint Lucia (Saint Lucian Creole French: Sent Lisi, French: Sainte-Lucie) (Kalinago language : Iouanalao) is an island country of the West Indies in the eastern Caribbean. The island was previously called Iouanalao and later Hewanorra, names given by the native Arawaks and Caribs (respectively), two Amerindian peoples. Part of the Windward Islands of the Lesser Antilles, it is located north/northeast of the island of Saint Vincent, northwest of Barbados and south of Martinique. It covers a land area of 617 km2 (238 square miles) with an estimated population of over 180,000 people as of 2022. The nation's capital and largest city is Castries.

The first proven inhabitants of the island, the Arawaks, are believed to have first settled in AD 200–400. Around 800 AD, the island would be taken over by the Kalinago. The French were the first Europeans to settle on the island, and they signed a treaty with the native Caribs in 1660. England took control of the island in 1663. In ensuing years, England and France fought 14 times for control of the island, and the rule of the island changed frequently. Eventually, the British took full control in 1814. Because the island switched so often between British and French control, Saint Lucia was also known as the "Helen of the West" after the Greek mythological character, Helen of Troy.Representative government was introduced in 1924 with universal suffrage being established in 1951. From 1958 to 1962, the island was a member of the West Indies Federation. On 22 February 1979, Saint Lucia became an independent state, while remaining as a Commonwealth Realm.Saint Lucia is a member of the United Nations, the Organisation of American States, the World Trade Organization, CARICOM and the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS). It is also a member of Organisation internationale de la Francophonie.

🏷️ Tags

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💬 Languages

English is the official language.

💵 Currencies

The official currency is Eastern Caribbean dollar [1 USD = 2.701 XCD].

🏧 Cash / Credit card usage

We don't have any data for credit card usage in Saint Lucia.

🧑‍🤝‍🧑 Tourism

In 2019, 1.2M tourists arrived to Saint Lucia. In 2018, tourism has contributed to Saint Lucia economy with a total of 989M $ income (%81.3).

📱 Bandwidth

Broadband is fast with 94.01 Mbps.

Broadband (3.16 / 10)

☀️ Climate

Averag yearly temperature is 🔥 26 °C and very hot. Current 3 months (February, March and April) average is ☀️ 25 °C and hot. Current season (winter) is ☀️ 24 °C and hot.
Yearly average26 °C 🔥
3 month average25 °C ☀️
Spring average25 °C 🔥
Summer average27 °C 🔥
Fall average26 °C 🔥
Winter average24 °C ☀️
About seasons: Remember that seasons in Southern Hemisphere are opposite of the Northern one. This means that in Argentina and Australia, winter begins in June. Currently season averages are rendered according Northern Hemisphere.

📈 Economics

We have no financial data.

The data contained in this page is provided for informational purposes only, and should not be construed as legal advice on any subject matter. We gather our data from open resources and may contain outdated information. Make sure to verify these data from official resources of the respective country.