U.S. Minor Outlying Islands
💬 Languages
English is the official language.
💵 Currencies
The official currency is United States dollar [1 USD = 1 USD].
🏧 Cash / Credit card usage
We don't have any data for credit card usage in U.S. Minor Outlying Islands.
🧑🤝🧑 Tourism
We don't have any tourism data for U.S. Minor Outlying Islands.
📱 Bandwidth
We don't have any bandwidth data for U.S. Minor Outlying Islands.
☀️ Climate
Averag yearly temperature is 🔥 26 °C and very hot. Current 3 months (March, April and May) average is 🔥 26 °C and very hot. Current season (spring) is 🔥 26 °C and very hot.
Yearly average | 26 °C 🔥 |
3 month average | 26 °C 🔥 |
Spring average | 26 °C 🔥 |
Summer average | 27 °C 🔥 |
Fall average | 27 °C 🔥 |
Winter average | 25 °C 🔥 |
About seasons: Remember that seasons in Southern Hemisphere are opposite of the Northern one. This means that in Argentina and Australia, winter begins in June. Currently season averages are rendered according Northern Hemisphere.
📈 Economics
We have no financial data.
🗺️ Map
The data contained in this page is provided for informational purposes only, and should not be construed as legal advice on any subject matter. We gather our data from open resources and may contain outdated information. Make sure to verify these data from official resources of the respective country.